About Us

" We treat people, not just patients "
- Dr. Ritesh Sharma, B.P.TH., M.I.A.P., I.A.F.T., ergonomic consultant, manual therapy practitioner, chiropratic expert , cupping therapy consultant
- Back to life physiotherapy clinic is successfully run by a dynamic physiotherapist Dr. Ritesh Sharma over past 7 years. He has diverse experience and interest. He is working in the field of physiotherapy for past 7 years. He understands that injuries and pain make normal activities difficult often making life more stressful.
- Dr. Ritesh is a qualified physiotherapist and is registered with Indian association of physiotherapists.
Our Facilities
- Chiropractic
- Migraine Treatment
- Exercise Therapy
- Orthopedic Rehabilitation
- Electrotherapy
- Post Stroke Rehabilitation
- Post Operative Physiotherapy
- Ergonomic Counseling
- Posture Correction
- Cupping Therapy
- Fitness- Diet and Nutrition
- Online Consultation
- Old Age Care
- Pre and Post Natal Care
- Vascular Care
What Do We Treat?
- Any pain or discomfort relating to spine or joints.
- Work related physical disorders due to muscle overuse like backache, neck pain, etc
- Joint problems due old age like knee pain, back pain, etc.
- Arthritis
- Tendon injuries like tennis elbow, student's elbow, etc.
- Ligament sprains.
- Conditions with indirect effect on spine like osteoporosis.
- Backache after pregnancy/delivery.
- Postural changes during pregnancy and related joint pains.
- Vascular conditions: like varicose veins, atherosclerosis, swollen limbs after surgery.
- Joint problem where you would like to explore non surgical modality of management.
Back To Life
Physiotherapy and chiropractic centre
Keep you movingOur doctors are expert at treating all types of injuries.
Special Care Programmes
Your first appointment with us
In case of pain, initially prioritizing the treatment towards pain relief is important. We will work on the painful structure using treatments such as electrotherapy, joint mobilization, and simple exercises to alleviate pain. We will be also working on neighboring structures to help restore normal movement patterns. The advise will be given on how to relieve strain on painful structures is critical at this stage- giving damaged tissue the appropriate rest to the tissue in the first 5 to 10 days which can help guarantee a quicker recovery. Rest may be in the form of taping, positioning with pillows, braces your physiotherapist will guide you as to what is best for you. As truly said, stitch in time, saves nine !Physiotherapy can be most beneficial at the first sign of a problem and can actually stop a minor niggles developing into a major problem which leaves you unable to carry out normal daily routine and sport.